PodcastNotes Inquires of our Reality - Introduction to the Plinian Races What follows is a few references and sources that describe what some scholars refer to as the “Plinian Races.” St. Augustine referred to them as the monstrous races, and they were prolific in literature and visual art around the world.
PodcastNotes All Out War Podcast Notes - AI and the Beast System The following are podcast notes from Episode 180 of the All Out War podcast, where I discuss what AI is, how it might be involved in the end times, what we should be concerned about, what we shouldn't, and what we can/should do about it.
PodcastNotes Charismatic Cheetah Podcast - Analysis of Nephilim in Ancient Texts These notes explore the biblical and extra-biblical foundations of the Nephilim, examining their origins, nature, and cultural significance within ancient texts.
Pre-Christian Baptism Baptism, as we know it today, is not a foreign concept that suddenly appeared in the New Testament. Rather, it was a practice rooted in ancient traditions of purification and was further developed by John the Baptist and Jesus Himself.
Is celebrating Christmas biblical? Every year, it seems, someone always brings up an argument against celebrating Christmas on religious grounds. In a related manner, I was recently asked why Christians celebrate it in the first place. This is a valid question. As the individual was pointing out, the Bible never says to celebrate Christ’
Topical Study Divination According to the Bible This is a brief overview, but there are many, many different types of divination (ways of getting answers from the "gods"), some of which Yahweh does actually condone as long as it was His people going to Him and not other spiritual entities.
The Dragon of Yahweh Most people don't think of Exodus chapter 7 often, and when they do, they most certainly do not think of dragons. Regardless, Exodus chapter 7 contains an intense narrative including magic, dragons, and the sorcerers of Egypt's secret arts. Chapter 7 is normally known as when
Essay The Mysterious Fourth Figure In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace by king Nebuchadnezzar, it has often been taught that Jesus was the fourth man in the fire. This, however, is highly unlikely.
Word Study Abaddon Abaddon is a mysterious, distant, insatiable place of death, possibly distinct from Sheol. Abaddon is also an angel and king over chimeric creatures that plague humanity in the end times.
Essay The gods of heaven and earth The Apostle Paul says that the gods of other nations are real, but there is only one Creator God through which and by which all things (including the gods) were made. 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 ESV Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an
Essay Cynocephali This creature that we will be exploring is an ancient one. As it turns out, historians have recorded their existence for a long, long, time.
Essay Giant War Genesis 14: A War Between Giants and Men What if Goliath was the weakest of his kind and the remnant of his people? Goliath wasn't the first giant who waged war against the Israelites. He was the last. The first war we see between giants and men was
Sons of God The temptation of the Serpent What what is the significance of the Serpent tempting us to be like the angelic beings of heaven? This first temptation is the beginning of a pattern, the temptation to be like the "gods" (elohim) by any means.
The real reason for the flood Have you ever wondered why the Bible says God destroyed the world and almost everyone in it? How is it that God could do such a thing, and so early on in the history of mankind? Like many things, the answer is more fantastical than most people are comfortable with.
They will combine with the seed of man In Daniel chapter 2, king Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and asks his sorcerers and wiseman to tell him what the dream means. They offer to help but he says he knows they will lie to him because they fear him so he challenges them to tell him what is dream
Sons of God Because he is also flesh Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” Why would God not strive with man forever because he is flesh? He was flesh the whole time. That doesn&
Sons of God The Seed of Angels In Genesis 6 it says that the sons of God took women as wives and giant (Nephilim) children. This begs the question: "Wait... can angels reproduce?" 1 Corinthians 15:38-41 But God gives it a body just as He wished, and to each of the seeds a body
Sons of God Sons of Israel or God? Deuteronomy 32:8 NASB When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, When He separated the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel. Deuteronomy 32:8 describes God dividing the nations according to the number of the
Essay The 3 Races The children of the sons of God and human women, according to Second Temple period writings, were not simply all giants of the same kind. We actually get a distinct list of three larger categories. * The Great Giants, Giants * The Nephilim, Naphidim, Naphelim, Naphil * The Elioud, Eljo 1 Enoch chapter
Essay God doesn't trust angels Job 4:17-18 ‘Can mortal man be in the right before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker? 18 Even in his servants he puts no trust, and his angels he charges with error; Job 15:15 Behold, God puts no trust in his holy ones, and the
Sons of God The Celestial Connection As far as ancient Israel was concerned, the stars and the angels of heaven were one and the same. This symbolism is found throughout the entire Bible, new and old Testaments. Deuteronomy 4:19 sums everything up in one sentence, linking the hosts of heaven (sun, moon and stars) to
Essay The Allotment of the gods Following the tower of Babel, God determined the cosmic regions of the earth and placed powerful angelic beings over those areas. However, they failed in their duties and accepted worship as though they were gods. God judges them for this, telling them they will die as men. This narrative is
Nephilim What are demons? When most people think of demons they think of red creepy devils with horns and pitchforks or winged humanoid beings who fell from heaven and traded their beautiful glow for darkness. But that isn't how the Bible describes them. The Bible actually doesn't describe them visually